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***WARNING*** Some of the poetry on this site may be considered explicit or have adult themes. If you are easily offended, you may not want to view the content of this site.

December 23, 2004

Angelic Barfly

Lopsided light
glints off smudged mirrors
and tinted bottles
into bloodshot eyes
licked by smoke
and dulled by whiskey
to reveal
an angel tinged in shadow
with succubus lips
stumbling towards me.

Breathless for passion
she slips sumptuously
on the stool,
slurs incomprehensibly at me
and waits for me to praise her.

But upon opening my mouth,
I become
and I swallow
my own feet
'til they pop out my arse
and I shuffle about
kicking myself
in muffled silence
until she leaves
slumped in the arms
of another.

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