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***WARNING*** Some of the poetry on this site may be considered explicit or have adult themes. If you are easily offended, you may not want to view the content of this site.

September 18, 2005

Evolution of the Lifeless

Evolution of the Lifeless

"A predator is the culmination of its victims."

She is strips of meat
dangling between
the teeth of predators.

Her soul is
in their bloody breath
as they speak
the language of murder.

Unaware of herself,
she sleeps
in her killer's flesh
only to awake
to the scent of blood.
She is self-aware just long enough
to welcome future victims
to their new home
(a colony
of the non-violent
in the belly of the beast).


S.L. Corsua said...

Morbid, with your penchant for vivid imagery. So of course you know I love it. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Yet another stunning piece! The scene played out in my mind and gave me goosebumps. *brrrr*

Anonymous said...

Her soul is
in their bloody breath
as they speak
the language of murder.

daaa-hmmnn Max.


uhurm. this is "cold and calculating" at its finest.

Anonymous Poet said...

Sounds like something Hanibal Lechter might enjoy!

Thanks also for the link to my site. I am flattered by your description. Stop by and say hello some time.

Rax said...

something I had always feared is the truth of this poem. She does sleep in her killer's flesh... Your poems touch the deepest and darkest parts of a soul. Wonderful! *shakes head* just wonderful... :)

Anonymous said...
