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May 17, 2006

God is a Mirror

God is a Mirror

When a puppet dangles by one string,
it is easy to confuse it with a noose.

When the puppeteer jerks
too hard,
we find ourselves
falling upward
toward God.

We hover briefly
before the Almighty
almost convinced
of His existence
until we notice
God is merely a mirror
and our own reflection
is staring back.

Gravity prevails
and we watch ourselves fade
as our point of origin
and destination

Viewed at a distance,
we are nothing more
than dark specks
trailing tattered strings
against blue sky
and white clouds
destined to become
bruised flesh
and crimson mist.

Tell me once again
of God... and this
time, try to conceal
the fact you're


Matthew Bamberg said...

Very cool. Did you use a couple of filters to get this effect?

Max Bouillet said...

Yes... well kinda. I used MS Paint, Photo Editor, and Corel Photo-Paint. Email me if you want details.